How One Nietzsche’s Meme Led Me to a Life Free of Arguments

Why by winning one can lose?

Ju Peter Goodman
4 min readFeb 8, 2023
Photo by Luke Jones on Unsplash

Have you seen how insects fly to lights and burn themselves? Well, I did the same.

My light was being right.

But you know what’s crazy?

I was right all the time and yet I didn’t get what I wanted.

Someone once explained to me, it was because I was a pain in the ass.

On one occasion a company executive had read a report of mine. He identified himself with me as a young rising star, as he once was. The jovial white-haired man invited me into his office to talk.

He opened his desk drawer and took out a set of chess pieces. He assumed I knew how to play chess, and he was right. Call me dumb but I thought ending the game with three queens while crushing his king would impress him.

I won the game and he never recommended me for a promotion.

On another occasion, I was in a girl’s apartment. She liked something about me. Who knows? But everything was fine. We kissed and were hugging on the sofa. It was a matter of time to go to her bed.

But she got a meme in a message from her religious mom. She showed it to me. It was about Nietzsche. In the first panel, Nietzsche was saying…



Ju Peter Goodman

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